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Because of increasing environmental degradation, sustainability and its importance is becoming a growing issue to be considered by experts across many businesses. As a result, the fashion industry is steadily developing as people have become more environmentally conscious, looking for ways to be trendy while not harming the environment. According to Statista, sustainable fashion was backed by 49% of global customers aged 18-24 in 2018.

There are several reasons why fashion consumers should become members of the sustainable fashion movement. Here are some reasons below:


Every second, one truck holding textile waste is dumped in a lowland or burned around the world. Quick fashion is particularly responsible for these large volumes of trash, as these businesses forgo vesture longevity in exchange for low prices and a high volume of sales. Sustainable brands, on the other hand, focus on vesture quality and use long materials in their vesture production. Sustainable fashion labels don’t usually follow the latest fashion trends. Instead of pushing new collections weekly that force people to buy for a lot, they focus on traditional and timeless things. Long materials are also used to make property fashion items.


Animals are an important part of our ecosystem, with each one playing a unique function in ensuring that our world is habitable. As a result, any threat to human life or the protection of other animals should be a top priority for everyone. Baggage made of animal skin, boots made of leather, feathers, and wool, and other items made of fur, leather, feathers, and wool, all have negative consequences for the animal populations from which the materials are acquired. Some species, such as the Sumatran Tiger and Alligator mississipiensis, are still severely depleted as a result of vesture probing.


Fast fashion firms do an excellent job of keeping vesture expenses low while yet producing fashionable garments. However, poor working conditions for garment workers make this low vesture value possible. Fast fashion labels produce their garments at factories in the global South, where workers are paid far less than minimum wage. Poor safety and health conditions, long operating hours, and the constant pressure to provide all contribute to an exploitation-like culture among employees. Quick fashion brands such as Uniqlo have also been accused of child labour on several occasions.


Fast fashion is all about what’s new and trendy, and it appeals to a wide range of customers. Several fashion experts, on the other hand, argue that fashion is not about wearing what everyone else is wearing. Ralph Lauren puts it like way: “Style is a personal thing. It’s pointless to try to be fashionable. Fashion comes and goes rapidly. Vogue never goes out of style.”

Sustainable fashion businesses are known for their traditional, timeless, and high-quality items, and today’s diverse range of options allows wearers to be creative, categorise themselves, and create a distinct personal style. Several home fashion buyers have stated that they appreciate wearing items that are exact replicas of their designs. Sustainable fashion is a fantastic way to start building a new wardrobe of excellent, high-quality items that reflect your style.


The colouring and finishing operations for practically all clothes utilise a lot of water in the fashion industry. According to experts, one cotton shirt requires approximately 2,720 litres of water, while one pair of trousers need a whopping 7,000 litres! Apart from consuming large amounts of water, garment manufacturing also adds to the pollution of our environment, as cytotoxic chemicals from the manufacturing process quickly find their way into waterways.

Some sustainable fashion manufacturers use a “water budget” to keep their water usage to a minimum during garment creation. These manufacturers’ production materials, such as linen, hemp, and organic cotton, are either natural, renewable, or recycled materials that require very little to no water during the assembly process. Sustainable fashion design may be a smart method to save money on water and reduce pollution.


As a result of its activities, the fast-food sector leaves a large carbon footprint, as well as a large amount of textile waste in landfills, pollution, and other broad detrimental effects on the environment and human health. Fast fashion clothing is frequently constructed of petroleum-based materials such as acrylic, nylon, and polyester, which need a significant amount of energy to manufacture. Property fashion, on the other hand, uses materials that are either natural or repurposed.

To grow, these materials require little to no chemical treatment, as well as minimal energy, water, and pesticides, and fertilisers. Materials like linen and hemp are even perishable, resulting in less pollution in the environment.

By Yames & Co

Sustainable Fashion Blog

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